Professional Vacation Rental Management & Property Sales for Over 55 Years

Owner Services

Professional Rental Property Management Services

Let Holiday Handle It!

Ocean City Property Management - Holiday Resort Property Service

A pioneer in the industry serving the Ocean City area since 1969, Holiday Real Estate is a 3rd generation, family owned and operated real estate company, specializing in vacation and long term rental property management. Our priorities are to protect your valuable investment while maximizing your rental income and ensuring complete guest satisfaction.

Advantages to listing with Holiday:

Online Owner Access - Direct Deposit of rental income available

Maximize Your Rental Income - Strategic online advertising & partnerships with top online travel sites, full color brochure mailed to extensive database of return customers, email marketing to past guests, daily social media updates and advertising.

Online Owner Access - Review rental activity, place and edit owner and owner guest holds, adjust hold cleanings, and review rental statements.

Online Reservations - Search and book full week or partial stays online, flexible check in days, online guest payments.

Your Investment is Protected - Guests post a security deposit or purchase our Damage Waiver Protection Plan. All guests are carefully screened, let us be your eyes & ears at the beach. We rent only to financially responsible adults.

Specialty Rentals-For the owners who choose the option, we offer rentals to groups of non-financially responsible adults and pet rentals. Group rentals require a security deposit and pet rentals are charged a non-refundable fee payable to the owner.

In House Maintenance & Cleaning Services: We use trained, reliable, licensed professionals and there is never a surcharge to invoices we receive from vendors. We offer service contracts for common rental maintenance issues to keep your costs at a minimum.

Technology - Industry leading software platform with integration to top online travel sites, strategic search engine placement, social media integration.

Owner’s Statements: From revenues to repairs, from taxes to 1099’s, you will receive a monthly statement in the mail, also available in the online Owner Portal.

Excellent Customer Service: Personal attention by experienced, knowledgeable & friendly agents always available to assist 7 days a week.

Guest Services: 24/7 on call Agent to respond to emergencies, Travel Insurance & Linen Rental Packages.

Good Neighbors: We understand the importance of maintaining connections with Condo & Home Owner’s Associations as well as your neighbors.  Our guests are well informed about local laws and ordinances. All rental policies are strictly enforced; non-compliant guests are issued an Order to Vacate.

Storm Prep: Secure or relocate deck furniture, closing storm shutters in preparation for a coming storm.

Long Term Rentals: We offer Year Round, Summer Seasonal, and Winter Seasonal rentals. Detailed video and written inspections prior to tenant occupancy and at move out. The screening process for a tenant includes: a detailed rental application, a credit check, current and past landlord references, and a verification of employment history.

Renting your unit on your own and need someone to take care of maintenance, Check in/Check out services, cleaning or guest services? We do that too! Call or email today for more information, we offer a range of services too numerous to list! We can tailor our services to your needs!

Click here for your FREE Rental Income analysis

Call, email, or stop in today for more information about our professional rental management program.
Let Holiday Handle It!


Holiday Real Estate, Inc.

7700 Coastal Hwy
Ocean City, Maryland 21842
SALES - 888.642.6251
RENTALS - 800.638.2102


Ocean City Maryland Weather

All information on this website is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Prospective purchasers and renters should verify the information to their satisfaction.